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Productivity Now Redux

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Research & Strategy September 09, 2024
Research & Strategy September 09, 2024
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Canada’s productivity puzzle remains unsolved. Output per hour fell yet again in Q2, even as the U.S. advance was sturdy. And, yes, the weakness is a problem. 

The chasm between Canadian and U.S. productivity continues to widen. In the second quarter of the year, Canada’s output per hour worked fell at a 0.7% annual rate, compared with a solid 2.5% U.S. advance. More concerning is that the meek quarterly result is no fluke, as it matches the performance over the past four quarters (-0.7%), compared with a sturdy 2.7% y/y gain in the U.S. economy. If this was just a one-year trend, we could perhaps put it down to short-term cyclical factors. But, even over the past five years—i.e., looking through the pandemic—Canadian productivity has averaged a decline of 0.1% per year since mid-2019 compared with growth of 1.9% stateside (Chart 1). U.S. productivity has thus outpaced Canada by 10% in the past five years alone. 



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Douglas Porter, CFA Managing Director & Chief Economist

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